Renewable Connections is investigating the potential for a ground mount utility scale solar farm with capacity up to 18.74MW in Worksop, Nottinghamshire. Once operational, the project would supply enough power for up to 5,897 homes in the first year of generation, and make a valuable contribution towards tackling the climate emergency in Nottinghamshire and the wider UK.
Prior to the submission of an application to Bassetlaw District Council, Renewable Connections undertook consultation to inform local communities of our proposed plans and invite any feedback to shape the submission details.
On 24th April 2023 a consultation event was held. Comments provided by the local community will be taken into consideration and incorporated into the scheme where appropriate for the formal planning application ready for submission later this year.

2,947 tonnes
of CO2 saved annually
16,194 megawatt hours supplied each year
Equivalent annual energy needs of up to 5,897 homes
The proposed Shireoaks Solar Farm is located on land off Steetley Lane, Worksop. The site is directly west of Worksop and south of the village of Shireoaks. Shireoaks Solar Farm comprises approximately 21 hectares of agricultural land, located in the open countryside. The land has primarily been used for arable farming.
Our plans are still in the development stages, so our design proposals will evolve as we gather local input and the results of our environmental assessments are considered.
If consented and installed the solar farm will have a capacity of up to 18.74MW and will be operational for up to 40 years. After the time, the installation will be removed and the land restored to how it was before, but with improved soil health and biodiversity due to being left fallow. The power generated will be exported to the National Grid via electrical connection infrastructure to an existing 33kv pylon approximately 3km east under the A46. located to the north-west of the Site.
Bifacial panels collect light both on the front and the rear sides as it captures sunlight reflected from the grass surface under the solar framework. Depending on site conditions, bifacial yield-gain can reach +30 percent compared to traditional systems. The solar could be fixed onto a fixed mounting system, running east to west and orientated to the south. Alternatively, the layout could be based on a tracking mounting system. These rows will be tilted towards the south to capture the maximum amount of solar irradiation possible. The total height of the panels is expected to be around 3 metres. The arrays would be set within a 2 metre high stock-proof fence. The distance between the proposed fencing and existing hedges would vary across the site and would typically be around 5-7 metres.
In terms of the site layout, the solar panels and other infrastructure would be set within the existing field pattern, with field margins (hedgerows and ditches) and boundary vegetation retained. The design will be assessed by planning and environmental specialists in terms of, amongst other matters, landscape and visual, cultural heritage, ecology, hydrology and traffic considerations.
The construction phase of the Proposed Development is expected to last for approximately 24 weeks only. Construction traffic will likely come from the A46 and be restricted from accessing the site via Ragdale Village.
Winter 2020
Spring 2021
Autumn 2021
Spring 2023
Summer 2023
Following the Government’s declaration of an “Environment and Climate Emergency” in May 2019, the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) advised that to meet ‘Net Zero’ targets, the UK will require substantial amounts of new, low carbon power sources to be built before 2050, up to four times that of today’s levels.
Although Bassetlaw District Council is yet to declare their own climate emergency, it is acknowledged that the emerging Bassetlaw Local Plan 2020-2038 will comprise of climate change mitigation and adaptation, and renewable energy generation policies with the aim to Greening Bassetlaw. The emerging Local Plan is currently under examination and is anticipated to be adopted in Summer 2023. As part of the wider Nottinghamshire, in May 2021, Nottinghamshire County Council declared climate emergency in order to tackle climate change and to ensure a greener future for its residents.
Solar is one of the cleanest, lowest cost forms of energy available. Shireoaks Solar Farm would make a meaningful contribution to Nottinghamshire energy needs by delivering green energy to up to 5,897 homes in the first year of generation.
Why this location?
Will there be any impacts on local roads?
Will there be any permanent impact?
Does solar pose a health risk?
How long will the project be there?
Are solar farms noisy?
What are the benefits to the local community?
0800 254 5011
Shireoaks Solar Farm,
3 Noble Street,
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